Sat, Mar 29, 2025 08:03:14 PM
School Logo & Name Image

“Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.” – John Holt


Admissions to Nursery are accepted without an entrance examination.

The procedure is as follows :-

The registration form, attached herewith, is to be duly completed and returned to the school, along with a photocopy of the Birth Certificate of the child to be admitted. Thereafter, the admission form is to be completed and submitted to the school office, along with a recent photograph and the original birth certificate of the child.

K.G. Class I to III
In case of admissions to K.G. and classes I to III, the registration form, attached herewith, is to be submitted to the school office, along with the Report Card and Transfer Certificate from the school last attended. On the grant of admission, after a simple oral test, an admission form is to be completed and submitted to the school office, alongwith the original Transfer Certificate, a copy of the Report Card (the original will be returned) and a recent photograph of the child. Students wanting admission in Class III, however, will be required to take a simple test in Hindi, English and Maths.

Class IV and above
It is mandatory for students seeking admissions to class IV and above to appear in an entrance test, except class XI, admission to which will be on the basis of their class X Pre - Board results. Aspirants are required to appear in English, Mathematics and Hindi (the test is based on the syllabus of the last class passed). The admission procedure is the same as for classes K.G. to class III.

Age Specifications

(a) Nursery  +3 Years,         (b) L.K.G.  +4 Years         (c) U.K.G.  +5      (d) Class I  +6 Years

1. It shall be the prerogative of the school to terminate/ cancel admissions incase necessary documents, such as original Birth Certificates, Transfer Certificates and Report Cards etc., are NOT deposited within the stipulated period. The said documents are not returnable at any stage or time, under any circumstances, except for the Report Card, the original of which is required for verification only.

2. Details of the charges payable at the time of admission may be obtained from the School Office.